Saturday, November 24, 2012

Our Thanksgiving Tables

Yes, table(s), as in 2 :)  We initially thought there would be ten of us getting together, but forgot that the number was actually 12, with 4 guests coming a by a little later, which put the number at 16!  So I brought in my aunt's folding table and pushed it up against the side to allow for two more seats.

Unfortunately I had already purchased a table cloth for my table.  I say unfortunately because once I figured out we would need another table, I ran out to see if they had any more of the same table cloth and they were all out!  So we had mismatched table cloths, but that's ok...I guess...

Yes, little things like that bother me.  I'm weird.

I had originally planned on sticking with all gold place mats and chargers, but decided to mix up the gold and silver.  It makes the table a little more interesting and coordinates with the colors in the dining room.

The chargers are from Hobby Lobby ($1.99), but I've had the dinnerware, flatware, and stemware for years now.  The burlap cutlery holders are the same ones I made for my sister's wedding.  I've already typed up a tutorial for them and will be posting it soon.

As much as I love centerpieces, they just aren't practical.  I like to keep all the food on the table so people don't have to get up over and and over again for second helpings.  There just wouldn't be much room for the food if I had a huge centerpiece on the table.  Instead I removed the pumpkins and gourds that were in these hurricane vases and filled them with cinnamon-scented pine cones.  I moved the vases from the buffet to the table.  That's it...nothing too fancy.

I can thank Pinterest for the idea to make these boat place cards.  You can find a tutorial from the original author here.  She even provides the template for the boat.  The only thing I changed was that I filled mine with m&m's instead of stones.   I figured our guests would enjoy having something sweet to munch on before or after eating, and I was right.  The little boats were a hit...actually the m&m's were a hit lol. 

I took some pictures while I was making them so I may type up a quick tutorial since the original site doesn't really go into details about the process. 

Those of you with an eye for details have probably noticed the new dining chairs.  I FINALLY acted on my idea for mixed dining chairs and went out and purchased two.  I will post about them soon-ish.  

The two new chairs only put our chair count at 10 so I jumped on craigslist and found these two beauties that look a lot like our other dining chairs:

It was meant to be. They just needed to be reupholstered, and they were good to go.  I couldn't find my chair fabric at Hancock's so I went with a plain cream color and they turned out great.  I'll explain more about it later.

So we wound up using the six chairs that came with my set, the two new chairs from World Market, the two Craigslist chairs that I reupholstered, and the French bench that I already had in the room....wheew, that's a whole lot of chairs!

Our Thanksgiving was so amazing.  It was a lot of work because I'd never had that many guests over for Thanksgiving before so I made a lot more food and pies, but in the end, it was all worth it.  We ended the night with an intense game of Clue.

I wish I'd taken some pictures while everyone was here, but I was having such a good time that I didn't even think to capture some images.  Fortunately, my aunt did snap a few with her phone and she emailed them to me, so I thought I'd share them:  

I'm currently working on my Christmas decorations and still recovering from our Thanksgiving celebration :) 

I hope you all enjoyed a very happy Thanksgiving filled with food, fun, and laughter.

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